EU approves new product labelling rules


EU clamps down on unprovable and bogus ‘green’ claims

Requirements to provide information on product repairability to be introduced

Dublin MEP Ciarán Cuffe says consumers will be better protected from bogus ‘green’ product labels and products that aren’t made to last under anew EU law called the Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition. MEPs voted by a strong majority in favour of this law today in Strasbourg, approving bans on 'green 'product labels that are unprovable or based on carbon offsetting alone, as well as banning built-in features that limit how long products can last. MEPs also supported new product information requirements for repairability and the introduction of an EU-wide guarantee label.


Speaking from the European Parliament in Strasbourg, MEP Cuffe said: 

"Whether you're buying a toaster or a washing machine, consumers want longer-lasting products and they should know, from the moment they buy a product, how long it should last and how easy it will be to repair. That’s what this new law is about: giving power back to consumers and providing them with the reliable information they need to make an informed decision at the point of sale. By introducing new information requirements on repairability, an EU-wide guarantee label and a ban on product features that limit their lifespan, this new law will equip consumers with the tools they need to do that."


He continued: 

“A lot of people are doing their bit for the planet by shopping for more sustainable options, and unfortunately some companies are taking advantage of that by making misleading or unprovable green claims to trick consumers into buying their products. We’re clamping down on this with bans on green claims that can’t be proved and claims that are based on carbon offsetting alone. Combined with other EU proposals like the 'Directive on Common Rules promoting the repair of goods' that will introduce stricter obligations for manufacturers to repair their products and to make products that last longer, consumers will be in a better position than ever to make choices that are kinder on their pockets, and the planet."


MEPs voted by a majority of 593 votes in favour to 21 votes against (with 14 abstentions) to approve the Empowering Consumers in the Green Transition Directive in Strasbourg today. It will be transposed into law by each EU country, and is expected to take effect in 2026. 


January 17, 2024

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Ciarán Cuffe

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